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This series was created by Dr. Naira Velumyan, Founder of the Academy of Social Competency, Ph.D in Psychology, Registered Psychotherapist, Forbes Councils Member, International Speaker, Entrepreneur and Etiquette Expert. The series incorporates many years of accumulated theoretical and practical knowledge, and coaching experience, which she has successfully applied throughout her life, and passionately shares with her clients. Dr. Velumyan had been providing counselling for couples over two decades. She started with a law degree, then turned to psychology, earning a Masters and then a PhD degree. Subsequently, she enhanced her professional arsenal with two years of studying Family System Therapy. This followed by another two years of training in Jungian Analytical Psychology which helped Dr. Velumyan to get a deeper understanding of the subconscious embedded in our personal lives. Later, she extended her education in Psychodrama, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Therapy, which became a powerful addition to her integrated approach in counselling and psychotherapy. In parallel with her professional growth, she was undergoing her own psychotherapy and exploring her own stereotypes, expectations and choices. From all this, she has a strong personal appreciation of how the happy and healthy relationships contribute to our confidence, self-sufficiency and the overall energy levels. Dr. Velumyan has organized workshops such as «The Family’s Hidden Heritage: Beliefs and Messages», «Being Stuck, Fears and Negative Thinking» and «To Love And Be Loved, the Art of Relationship». In collaboration with her ex-client and now emerging life coach Veronika Kirmani, she designed the multi-level online program “My Dream Relationship” for women who are striving for meaningful relationships. Recently, Dr. Velumyan launched a youtube reality show “The New U” where, in collaboration with Lusia Malik from beauty industry, she is guiding women towards enriching internally and externally, and elevating their relationships to higher levels. During her career, Dr. Velumyan has trained hundreds of individuals and addressed hundreds of family cases.
1 Course
4 Students