Meet our Team

Naira Velumyan, PhD
Our online programs were created by Naira Velumyan, Founder of the Academy of Social Competency, Ph.D. in Psychology, Forbes Councils Member, Registered Psychotherapist, International Speaker, Entrepreneur and Etiquette Expert. The programs incorporate many years of accumulated theoretical and practical knowledge which Naira has successfully applied in her life and generously shares with her clients. Her main focus is to train people’s self-confidence, communication and relationship building skills. As a certified specialist in Jungian Analytical Psychology, Family System Therapy, Psychodrama, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Therapy, Dr. Velumyan also provides offline one-on-one, couples, family and group psychotherapy. Being the owner of a few businesses, and with vast experience in human resources management and anti-crisis counselling, Naira Velumyan coaches professionals and entrepreneurs in developing successful careers and growing their net-worth.

Veronika Kirmani
New York top blogger, public figure, philanthropist, successful entrepreneur and life coach. Her journey to the top was varied and adventurous and included being a casino dealer, makeup artist and exclusive real estate agent for a New York developer. Veronika’s survival as a child, teen and young adult was about her ability to process traumas and losses. However, she always believed in a happier, healthier and more prosperous life. Her dreams came true, and Veronika transcended from poverty and misery. Currently, she is happily engaged and helps others to change their lives. In partnership with Dr. Naira Velumyan she created the multi-level online program “My Dream Relationship” for women who would like to have meaningful relationships, career and personal growth, and overall success.

Lusia Malik
Lusia’s career began while serving in the Israel Army. Later, she transferred to the Ministry of Defence, helping disabled soldiers returned from war, who suffered from injuries and PTSD. In 2007 Lusia moved to Canada where she graduated from medical school as an Osteopathic Physician and opened her own health clinic in Toronto. While working at her clinic, Lusia developed the passion to support clients’ external transformation which followed by a diploma in beauty industry. Besides her main occupation, she started coaching women. Her narrative is that health plus beauty equals happiness and self-confidence. Together with Dr. Naira Velumyan, Lusia is a co-author of a new reality show “The New U”. The focus of this show is on guiding women wanting to advance mentally, and re-shape both their mindset and overall appearance.