Personal Coaching
Personal coaching is a journey of transforming your dreams into reality with a support of a personal coach. As the most intensive and productive tool, personal coaching begins with goal setting and culminates with meaningful and lasting results. Based on your needs, a personal coach creates a customized plan that helps you achieve your objectives in an effective and efficient manner. Successful people do utilize personal coaching and consider it an investment that benefits them professionally and personally.
Rewarding relationships, constructive interactions, mutual understanding, successful collaboration, trusting partnerships, romantic dating, determined leadership, happy parenting and beneficial networking — may all be achieved through personal coaching. Starting with the challenges in communication, most of our clients broaden their goals recognizing that the problems they encounter are intertwined with other areas of life. Taking your life to the next level is a fascinating process which will manifest tangible results.
- As a Coach, she provides forward-thinking strategies which untap potential and enable you to perform at the highest levels
- As a PhD in Psychology and Registered Psychotherapist, she is able to work with origins of past and deep unresolved emotional pain
- As a Certified Analytical Therapist, she incorporates symbolical context, bringing the subconscious mind into awareness
- As a Certified Family Therapist, she explores family and relationship issues with the view that the “person” is a part of a bigger system
- As a Certified Hypnotherapist, she includes relaxation and stress relief techniques in her work
- As a Certified Psychodrama therapist, she focuses on actions and practical steps rather than words
- As a Certified Etiquette Expert, she helps to create a personal brand and teaches mannerisms and etiquette necessary in today’s business and social world
- As an Entrepreneur, she has the business skills to give real and sincere advice in entrepreneurial areas
Each coaching session includes At-home Educational Cinema Reviews which are based on watching a movie in a special manner. It gives a possibility to consolidate theoretical and practical knowledge and when implemented generates a deeper insight to the coaching. The effectiveness of this method is achieved through the inclusion of a visual channel of perception, emotionality of the image and ease of submission of material.
- Those who need to develop leadership skills and have an advantage over others
- Those who are introverted and would like to feel comfortable in any company
- Those who need to strengthen their self-esteem and confidence
- Those who lost contact with their inners Self and need to find the “way back”
- Those who have challenges in personal or professional relationships
Personal coaching with Naira Velumyan is based on an integrative approach which embraces all spheres of life. With her, as your coach, the biggest benefit is an uncomplicated process, cost effective fee and a wholeness methodology. All coaching sessions take place face to face, via Skype or as a combination of these two options.