Communication skills are ranked #1 among job candidates
85% of a successful career depends on communication skills and 15% on professionalism
67% of the reasons why people don’t like their jobs are related to communication
Most of our time we spend at work being involved in different kinds of vertical and horizontal relationships — with colleagues, customers, partners, bosses and subordinates… If everything is fine, our relationships are mutually understandable, respectful and open — we feel motivated, and love the job we are doing. However, in most cases our workplace is the arena of misunderstanding which influences our psychological and physical well-being. We are overwhelmed with negative emotions, frustrated, self-blaming, etc.
This series will give you a full understanding of these workplace relationships, embracing situations of looking for job, adapting to a new place, establishing bonds, networking, conflicting, implementing changes and leaving. We’ll equip you with the practical tools that can be implemented immediately. Once you know-how, your workplace “territory” will not appear as unpredictable, fearful and undesirable as it was before.
You will not passively accept your fate but make things happen according to your scenario and expectations!
Please keep in mind that you will have access to the course for six months.
How will you benefit?
- Expand your network and develop long-term professional relationships
- Develop self-defense over dictators, manipulators, competitors
- Establish boundaries and work effectively in a team
- Be receptive and protective when criticizing and being criticized
- Understand your own strength and increase your self-esteem
- Go through interviews, adaptation and firing with ease and enthusiasm
- Learn techniques of effective communication and influence
- Recognize conflicts and resolve them constructively
Advantages of online learning
- You have unlimited access to all the materials
- You establish intensity of learning process depending on your time schedule
- You safe money in that online programs are more affordable
- You learn in a convenient setting which is totally managed by your own
- You may choose the sequence of webinars depending on your needs
Who should attend?
- Those who are tired of misunderstandings and being misunderstood at workplace
- Those who would like to change their introversion habits and increase confidence
- Those who are interested in effective communication with their professional contacts
- Those who are looking for a new job or need change at their current position
- Those who are ambitious and would like to play in “big leagues”
These webinars are for:
Professionals who are working as an employers or developing their own business, bosses and subordinates, managers who are involved in customer service, HRs, employers getting prepared for the interview, newly hired or fired, etc.
Course Features
- Lectures 18
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 12 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 46
- Certificate No
- Assessments Yes
- 1 Section
- 18 Lessons
- 180 Days
- 18
- 2.1Preview – Webinars for Effective Professional Communication10 Minutes
- 2.2Webinar #1 — How to Position Yourself Properly in a Business Environment40 Minutes
- 2.3Webinar #2 — The Competent Professional Image for a Successful Career40 Minutes
- 2.4Webinar #3 — A Unique Marketing Strategy for their Job Search and Business Interviews50 Minutes
- 2.5Webinar #4 — Adaptation in a Business Environment — Fast and Stress-Free45 Minutes
- 2.6Webinar #5 — Building and Maintaining Personal Boundaries at the Workplace45 Minutes
- 2.7Webinar #6 — Styles of Successful Business Communication45 Minutes
- 2.8Webinar #7 — Business Etiquette35 Minutes
- 2.9Webinar #8 — How to Build Long-Term Relationships with Clients45 Minutes
- 2.10Webinar #9 — Resolving Сonflicts with Сlients40 Minutes
- 2.11Webinar #10 — How to Criticize and Respond to Criticism35 Minutes
- 2.12Webinar #11 — How do Our Beliefs and Values Influence: the Search of Our Ideal Team?40 Minutes
- 2.13Webinar #12 — How To Improve Your Teamwork Communication30 Minutes
- 2.14Webinar #13 — Methods of Influence and Persuasion50 Minutes
- 2.15Webinar #14 —Networking for Long-Term Relationships35 Minutes
- 2.16Webinar #15 — Networking on Social Media30 Minutes
- 2.17Webinar #16 — Employment or Self-employment35 Minutes
- 2.18Webinar #17 — Dismissals or When It’s Time to Leave25 Minutes